Wednesday, March 5, 2008

rap boy

We were strolling along another controversial park in the city, the Baywalk, when a thin, haggard-looking kid approached us. He said he will do a rap performance in exchange for mere peso coins. We sat by a bench as he prepared to do his number. Then...

...Amazing. Without skipping a bit, we were transported to the stark realities of this little boy's life with such intense, melancholic expression on his face as he narrated the hardships, the abuse, contempt, the determination to live as he held precariously his priceless dignity, expressed with the rythmic harmony of his frail, rapt voice. We witnessed this actual rendition of a work of Art. Then he prodded on, and with childlike strength he carried a fragile light of hope for him and his generation.


Anonymous said...

i saw this kid at the sea wall/ bay walk yesterday. nice entry btw :)

Ric Vil Hori said...

Thanks, did you hear him rap? he memorized the lengthy lyrics by heart. Curious ko whether he composed it but wasn't able to ask him though