Wednesday, May 14, 2008

dancing grocers

It was an ordinary shopping day in this popular homegrown mall south of the city when suddenly, all the grocery staff began lining up and performed synchronized dancing. The unusual exercise routine prodded my curiosity to call their office and inquire about it. The lady behind the line confirmed my suspicion, the idea was uniquely their initiative and it could be the first of its kind in the county, and perhaps even in the world.

The unique dancerxise designed not just to flex but also to entertain customers elicited various reaction from surprised shoppers evident in this pic, ranging from amused and intrigued to frozen stiff.

Eventually, some malls in the city followed suit and on a given time, one can find dancing salesladies and sales guys almost everywhere in Davao malls, and even around the country.


Anonymous said...

wahahaha! nice entry bro. methinks these guys were probably the inspiration of "My Big Love's" famous grocery scene :D

Ric Vil Hori said...

Is that some sort of a classic movie, and if so, what year? I'm really curious if the mall could probably hold a record as being the first to do such gimmick in the country, or even the world.