Monday, February 18, 2008

a hole by the park

This place gets a view of the newly built People's Park with its durian shaped dome. It's the city's new attraction not only with original sculptures and landscaping by local artists, but also with tasteless imitations of walt disney figures and artificial flowers butted in by uncultured wannabes to keep it from being proclaimed as one of the world's more unique parks (pastilan!).

Anyway, throngs and busloads of park-starved people keep pouring into the greens so it seemed like the whole country is invading it, which only exposes the national government's lack of priority for providing parks around the country. It's a good thing that the local government here is doing its initiative. Still, on any day (and night, especially) the park would just get too crowded one could bid bye-bye to relaxation (as parks are supposed to offer) and say hello to stress.

I'd rather be in this corner hole with my priceless need for tranquility, and it's good that the small pitstop is a wifi hotspot too.

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